This page illustrates the mri_smap_fit and mri_spectra methods in the Julia package ImagePhantoms for performing MRI simulations with realistic sensitivity encoding (SENSE).

This page comes from a single Julia file: 10-mri-sense.jl.

You can access the source code for such Julia documentation using the 'Edit on GitHub' link in the top right. You can view the corresponding notebook in nbviewer here: 10-mri-sense.ipynb, or open it in binder here: 10-mri-sense.ipynb.


Packages needed here.

using ImagePhantoms: ellipse_parameters, SheppLoganBrainWeb, ellipse
using ImagePhantoms: phantom, mri_smap_fit, mri_spectra
using FFTW: fft, fftshift
using ImageGeoms: embed
using LazyGrids: ndgrid
using MIRTjim: jim, prompt
using Random: seed!
using Unitful: mm

The following line is helpful when running this file as a script; this way it will prompt user to hit a key after each figure is displayed.

isinteractive() ? jim(:prompt, true) : prompt(:draw);


Modern MRI scanners use multiple receive coils each of which has its own "sensitivity map" (or "coil profile"). Realistic MRI simulations should account for the effects of those sensitivity maps analytically, rather than committing the "inverse crime" of using rasterized phantoms and maps.

See the 2012 paper Guerquin-Kern et al. that combines analytical k-space values of the phantom with an analytical model for the sensitivity maps. This package follows the recommended approach from that paper. We used the mri_smap_fit function to fit each sensitivity map with a modest number of complex exponential signals. Then, instead of using the spectrum function we use the spectra function to generate simulated k-space data from analytical phantoms (like ellipses).

Because FFTW.fft cannot handle units, this function is a work-around.

function myfft(x::AbstractArray{T}) where {T <: Number}
    u = oneunit(T)
    return fftshift(fft(fftshift(x) / u)) * u
myfft (generic function with 1 method)


Image geometry:

fovs = (256mm, 250mm)
nx, ny = (128, 100) .* 2
dx, dy = fovs ./ (nx,ny)
x = (-(nx÷2):(nx÷2-1)) * dx
y = (-(ny÷2):(ny÷2-1)) * dy
(-125.0:1.25:123.75) mm

Define Shepp-Logan phantom object, with random complex phases to make it a bit more realistic.

params = ellipse_parameters(SheppLoganBrainWeb() ; disjoint=true, fovs)
phases = [1; rand(ComplexF32,9)] # random phases
params = [(p[1:5]..., phases[i]) for (i, p) in enumerate(params)]
oa = ellipse(params)
oversample = 3
image0 = phantom(x, y, oa, oversample)
cfun = z -> cat(dims = ndims(z)+1, real(z), imag(z))
jim(x, y, cfun(image0), "Digital phantom\n (real | imag)")
Example block output

In practice, sensitivity maps are usually estimated only over portion of the image array, so we define a simple mask here to exercise this issue.

mask = trues(nx,ny)
mask[:,[1:2;end-2:end]] .= false
mask[[1:8;end-8:end],:] .= false
@assert mask .* image0 == image0
jim(x, y, mask, "mask")
Example block output

Sensitivity maps

Here we use highly idealized sensitivity maps, roughly corresponding to the Biot-Savart law for an infinite thin wire, as a crude approximation of a birdcage coil. One wire is outside the upper right corner, the other is outside the left border.

response at (x,y) to wire at (wx,wy)

function biot_savart_wire(x, y, wx, wy)
    phase = cis(atan(y-wy, x-wx))
    return oneunit(x) / sqrt(sum(abs2, (x-wx, y-wy))) * phase # 1/r falloff

ncoil = 2
wire1 = (a,b) -> biot_savart_wire(a, b, maximum(x) + 8dx, maximum(y) + 8dy)
wire2 = (a,b) -> biot_savart_wire(a, b, minimum(x) - 20dx, zero(dy))
smap = [wire1.(x, y'), wire2.(x, y')]
smap[1] *= cis(3π/4) # match coil phases at image center, ala "quadrature phase"
smap = cat(dims=3, smap...)
smap /= maximum(abs, smap)
mag = abs.(smap)
phase = angle.(smap)

 jim(x, y, mag, "|Sensitivity maps raw|"; color=:cividis, ncol=1, prompt=false),
 jim(x, y, phase, "∠(Sensitivity maps raw)"; color=:hsv, ncol=1, prompt=false),
Example block output

Typical sensitivity map estimation methods normalize the maps so that the square-root of the sum of squares (SSoS) is unity:

ssos = sqrt.(sum(abs.(smap).^2, dims=ndims(smap))) # SSoS
ssos = selectdim(ssos, ndims(smap), 1)
jim(x, y, ssos, "SSoS for ncoil=$ncoil"; color=:cividis, clim=(0,1))

for ic=1:ncoil # normalize
    selectdim(smap, ndims(smap), ic) ./= ssos
smap .*= mask
stacker = x -> [(@view x[:,:,i]) for i=1:size(x,3)]
smaps = stacker(smap) # code hereafter expects vector of maps
jim(x, y, cfun(smaps), "Sensitivity maps (masked and normalized)")
Example block output

Sensitivity map fitting using complex exponentials

The mri_smap_fit function fits each smap with a linear combination of complex exponential signals. (These signals are not orthogonal due to the mask.) With frequencies -9:9/N, the maximum error is ≤ 0.4%.

deltas = (dx, dy)
kmax = 9
fit = mri_smap_fit(smaps, embed; mask, kmax, deltas)
 jim(x, y, cfun(smaps), "Original maps"; prompt=false, clim=(-1,1)),
 jim(x, y, cfun(fit.smaps), "Fit maps"; prompt=false, clim=(-1,1)),
 jim(x, y, cfun(100 * (fit.smaps - smaps)), "error * 100"; prompt=false),
Example block output

The fit coefficients are smaller near ±kmax so probably kmax is large enough.

coefs = map(x -> reshape(x, 2kmax+1, 2kmax+1), fit.coefs)
jim(-kmax:kmax, -kmax:kmax, cfun(coefs), "Coefficients")
Example block output

Compare FFT with analytical spectra

Frequency sample vectors:

fx = (-(nx÷2):(nx÷2-1)) / (nx*dx) # crucial to match `mri_smap_basis` internals!
fy = (-(ny÷2):(ny÷2-1)) / (ny*dy)
gx, gy = ndgrid(fx, fy);

Analytical spectra computation for complex phantom using all smaps. Note the fit argument.

kspace1 = mri_spectra(vec(gx), vec(gy), oa, fit)
kspace1 = [reshape(k, nx, ny) for k in kspace1]
p1 = jim(fx, fy, cfun(kspace1), "Analytical")
Example block output

FFT spectra computation based on digital image and sensitivity maps:

image2 = [image0 .* s for s in smaps] # digital
kspace2 = myfft.(image2) * (dx * dy)
p2 = jim(fx, fy, cfun(kspace2), "FFT-based")
Example block output
p3 = jim(fx, fy, cfun(kspace2 - kspace1), "Error")
Example block output

Zoom in to illustrate similarity:

xlims = (-1,1) .* (0.06/mm)
ylims = (-1,1) .* (0.06/mm)
 jim(fx, fy, real(kspace1[1]), "Analytical"; xlims, ylims, prompt=false),
 jim(fx, fy, real(kspace2[1]), "FFT-based"; xlims, ylims, prompt=false),
 jim(fx, fy, real(kspace2[1] - kspace1[1]), "Error"; xlims, ylims, prompt=false),
Example block output

In summary, the mri_smap_fit and mri_spectra methods here reproduce the approach in the 2012 Guerquin-Kern paper, cited above, enabling parallel MRI simulations that avoid an inverse crime.

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