Shepp-Logan Phantoms

This page illustrates the Shepp-Logan phantoms in the Julia package ImagePhantoms.

This page comes from a single Julia file: 07-shepp.jl.

You can access the source code for such Julia documentation using the 'Edit on GitHub' link in the top right. You can view the corresponding notebook in nbviewer here: 07-shepp.ipynb, or open it in binder here: 07-shepp.ipynb.


Packages needed here.

using ImagePhantoms: shepp_logan, SouthPark
using ImagePhantoms: SheppLoganToft, SheppLoganEmis, SheppLoganBrainWeb
using ImagePhantoms: ellipse_parameters, ellipse, phantom
using MIRTjim: jim, prompt
using Unitful: g, cm

The following line is helpful when running this file as a script; this way it will prompt user to hit a key after each figure is displayed.

isinteractive() ? jim(:prompt, true) : prompt(:draw);


There are several variations of the Shepp-Logan phantom available.

CT version

Original version from: Larry A Shepp, Benjamin F Logan, "The Fourier reconstruction of a head section," IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 21(3):21-42, June 1974. doi

This (default) version has low soft tissue contrast, so it usually should be displayed with a narrow window the using clim option:

image1 = shepp_logan(256) # CT version by default
jim(image1, "SheppLogan (original CT version)", clim=(0.95, 1.05))
Example block output


When generating ellipse phantoms, it is generally preferable to "over-sample" the ellipse values within each pixel to account for partial volume effect. A factor of 3 over-sampling (along both axes) typically suffices, so this factor is the default for the shepp_logan method. Here is how the phantom image looks without over-sampling:

image1o = shepp_logan(256; oversample=1)
jim(image1o, "No over sampling", clim=(0.95,1.05))
Example block output

Note that boundaries of the interior ellipses look smoother in the original version with the default 3× over-sampling. Most of the remaining examples use the recommended default over-sampling.


The original Shepp-Logan phantom in the paper as cited above did not give any units for the grayscale values, but the values were described as "densities" and indeed the values are reasonable for head CT scans if interpreted as having g/cm³ units. Here is a version with units.

image1u = image1 * g/cm^3
jim(image1u, "SheppLogan with density units", clim=(0.95,1.05))
Example block output

Toft version

This version is from: Toft, Peter Aundal & Sørensen, John Aasted "The Radon transform-theory and implementation," Technical University of Denmark (DTU), 1996. Page 201. pdf

image2 = shepp_logan(256, SheppLoganToft())
jim(image2, "SheppLoganToft")
Example block output

Emission tomography version

This version has low intensity for the skull because typical PET/SPECT radiotracers do not accumulate in bone regions. It is probably also useful for MRI, because typical MRI scans have low signal from bone.

image3 = shepp_logan(256, SheppLoganEmis())
jim(image3, "SheppLoganEmis")
Example block output

BrainWeb version

This version was inspired by the BrainWeb phantoms that have integer indices for each of the different regions. It should not be used directly, but rather one should assign meaningful intensity values to each of the integer indices.

image4 = shepp_logan(256, SheppLoganBrainWeb())
jim(image4, "SheppLoganBrainWeb")
Example block output

For the BrainWeb version, there is no over-sampling by default, to preserve the integer indices.

Disjoint middle ellipses

Sometimes it can be more convenient to have the middle ellipses be non-overlapping:

params = ellipse_parameters(SheppLoganBrainWeb(), disjoint=true)
params = [(p[1:5]..., i) for (i, p) in enumerate(params)]
ob = ellipse(params)
x = range(-0.4, 0.4, 206)
y = range(-0.5, 0.5, 256)
oversample = 3
image5 = phantom(x, y, ob, oversample)
jim(x, y, image5, "Disjoint"; aspect_ratio = 1)
Example block output

Comedy version

image6 = shepp_logan(256, SouthPark(); fovs=(1,1))
jim(image6, "SouthPark")
Example block output

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