This page illustrates the Triangle
shape in the Julia package ImagePhantoms
This page comes from a single Julia file: 05-triangle.jl
You can access the source code for such Julia documentation using the 'Edit on GitHub' link in the top right. You can view the corresponding notebook in nbviewer here: 05-triangle.ipynb
, or open it in binder here: 05-triangle.ipynb
Packages needed here.
using ImagePhantoms: triangle
using ImagePhantoms: phantom, radon, spectrum
import ImagePhantoms as IP
using ImageGeoms: ImageGeom, axesf
using MIRTjim: jim, prompt
using FFTW: fft, fftshift, ifftshift
using Unitful: mm, unit, °
using Plots: plot, plot!, scatter!, default
The following line is helpful when running this file as a script; this way it will prompt user to hit a key after each figure is displayed.
isinteractive() ? jim(:prompt, true) : prompt(:draw);
For completeness, this package includes a triangle shape for constructing 2D digital image phantoms. (One could describe quite complicated phantoms with a triangular mesh.) The basic shape here is an equilateral triangle whose base is [-1/2,1/2] along the x axis, pointing upwards along the y axis. When defining such a Triangle
shape one can specify its center, widths, angle and value. All of the methods in ImagePhantoms
support physical units, so we use such units throughout this example. (Using units is recommended but not required.)
Define a triangle object, using physical units.
width = (20mm, 80mm)
ob = triangle((40mm, 30mm), width, π/6, 1.0f0)
Object2d{Triangle, Float32, Unitful.Quantity{Int64, 𝐋, Unitful.FreeUnits{(mm,), 𝐋, nothing}}, Float64, 1, Float64} (S, D, V, ...)
center::NTuple{2,Unitful.Quantity{Int64, 𝐋, Unitful.FreeUnits{(mm,), 𝐋, nothing}}} (40 mm, 30 mm)
width::NTuple{2,Unitful.Quantity{Int64, 𝐋, Unitful.FreeUnits{(mm,), 𝐋, nothing}}} (20 mm, 80 mm)
angle::Tuple{Float64} (0.5235987755982988,)
value::Float32 1.0
Phantom image using phantom
Make a digital image of it using phantom
and display it.
dx, dy = 0.8mm, 1.0mm
M, N = (2^8, 2^8+2)
x = (-M÷2:M÷2-1) * dx
y = (-N÷2:N÷2-1) * dy
oversample = 2
img = phantom(x, y, [ob], oversample)
jim(x, y, img, "Triangle image")
Hereafter we use ImageGeoms
to simplify the indexing.
M, N = (2^8, 2^8+17) # odd
ig = ImageGeom(dims=(M,N), deltas=(dx,dy), offsets=:dsp)
@assert axes(ig)[1] ≈ x
oversample = 2
img = phantom(axes(ig)..., [ob], oversample)
p1 = jim(axes(ig), img, "Triangle phantom", xlabel="x", ylabel="y")
The image integral should approximate the object area
area = IP.area(ob)
(sum(img) * prod(ig.deltas), area)
(689.6 mm^2, 692.8203230275509 mm^2)
Spectrum using spectrum
There are two ways to examine the spectrum of this image:
- using the analytical Fourier transform of the object via
- applying the DFT via FFT to the digital image.
Because the shape has units mm
, the spectra axes have units cycles/mm.
vscale = 1 / area # normalize spectra by area
spectrum_exact = spectrum(axesf(ig)..., [ob]) * vscale
sp = z -> max(log10(abs(z)/oneunit(abs(z))), -6) # log-scale for display
clim = (-6, 0) # colorbar limit for display
(xlabel, ylabel) = ("ν₁", "ν₂")
p2 = jim(axesf(ig), sp.(spectrum_exact), "log10|Spectrum|"; clim, xlabel, ylabel)
Sadly fft
cannot handle units currently, so this function is a work-around:
function myfft(x)
u = unit(eltype(x))
return fftshift(fft(ifftshift(x) / u)) * u
spectrum_fft = myfft(img) * (prod(ig.deltas) * vscale)
p3 = jim(axesf(ig), sp.(spectrum_fft), "log10|DFT|"; clim, xlabel, ylabel)
Compare the DFT and analytical spectra to validate the code
errf = maximum(abs, spectrum_exact - spectrum_fft) / maximum(abs, spectrum_exact)
@assert errf < 2e-2
p4 = jim(axesf(ig), 1e3*abs.(spectrum_fft - spectrum_exact),
"|Difference| × 10³"; xlabel, ylabel)
jim(p1, p4, p2, p3)
Radon transform using radon
Examine the Radon transform of the object using radon
, and validate it using the projection-slice theorem aka Fourier-slice theorem.
dr = 0.2mm # radial sample spacing
nr = 2^10 # radial sinogram bins
r = (-nr÷2:nr÷2-1) * dr # radial samples
fr = (-nr÷2:nr÷2-1) / nr / dr # corresponding spectral axis
ϕ = deg2rad.(0:180)
sino = radon(ob).(r, ϕ') # sample Radon transform of a single shape object
smax = ob.value * sqrt((width[1]/2)^2 + (width[2] * sqrt(3) / 2)^2)
p5 = jim(r, rad2deg.(ϕ), sino; title="sinogram",
xlabel="r", ylabel="ϕ", clim = (0,1) .* smax)
The maximum sinogram value is about 70mm, which makes sense for a triangle whose height is 80mm * sqrt(3) / 2
and whose base is 20mm, so the longest side is sqrt((10mm)^2 + (80mm * sqrt(3) / 2)^2) =
70 mm.
The above sampling generated a parallel-beam sinogram, but one could make a fan-beam sinogram by sampling (r, ϕ)
Fourier-slice theorem illustration
Pick one particular view angle (55°) and look at its slice and spectra.
ia = argmin(abs.(ϕ .- 55°))
slice = sino[:,ia]
slice_fft = myfft(slice) * dr
ϕd = round(rad2deg(ϕ[ia]), digits=1)
kx, ky = (fr * cos(ϕ[ia]), fr * sin(ϕ[ia])) # Fourier-slice theorem
slice_ft = spectrum(ob).(kx, ky)
errs = maximum(abs, slice_ft - slice_fft) / maximum(abs, slice_ft)
@assert errs < 2e-4
p3 = plot(r, slice, title="profile at ϕ = $ϕd", label="")
p4 = plot(title="1D spectra")
scatter!(fr, abs.(slice_fft), label="abs fft", color=:blue)
scatter!(fr, real(slice_fft), label="real fft", color=:green)
scatter!(fr, imag(slice_fft), label="imag fft", color=:red,
xlims=(-1,1) .* (0.1/mm))
plot!(fr, abs.(slice_ft), label="abs", color=:blue)
plot!(fr, real(slice_ft), label="real", color=:green)
plot!(fr, imag(slice_ft), label="imag", color=:red)
plot(p1, p5, p3, p4)
The good agreement between the analytical spectra (solid lines) and the DFT samples (disks) validates that phantom
, radon
, and spectrum
are all self consistent for this shape.
The spectrum of a triangle is not widely available; for a derivation, see this overleaf file.
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