ImageGeoms overview
This page explains the Julia package ImageGeoms
This page comes from a single Julia file: 1-overview.jl
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Packages needed here.
using ImageGeoms: ImageGeom, axis, axisf, axesf, downsample, grids, oversample
import ImageGeoms # ellipse
using AxisArrays
using MIRTjim: jim, prompt
using Plots: scatter, plot!, default; default(markerstrokecolor=:auto)
using Unitful: mm, s
using InteractiveUtils: versioninfo
The following line is helpful when running this file as a script; this way it will prompt user to hit a key after each figure is displayed.
isinteractive() ? jim(:prompt, true) : prompt(:draw);
When performing tomographic image reconstruction, one must specify the geometry of the grid of image pixels. (In contrast, for image denoising and image deblurring problems, one works with the given discrete image and no physical coordinates are needed.)
The key parameters of a grid of image pixels are
- the size (dimensions) of the grid, e.g.,
128 × 128
, - the spacing of the pixels, e.g.,
1mm × 1mm
, - the offset of the pixels relative to the origin, e.g.,
The data type ImageGeom
describes such a geometry, for arbitrary dimensions (2D, 3D, etc.).
There are several ways to construct this structure. The default is a 128 × 128
grid with pixel size $\Delta_X = \Delta_Y = 1$ (unitless) and zero offset:
ig = ImageGeom()
ImageGeom{2, NTuple{2,Float32}, FillArrays.Trues{2, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}}}
dims::NTuple{2,Int64} (128, 128)
deltas::NTuple{2,Float32} (1.0f0, 1.0f0)
offsets::NTuple{2,Float32} (0.0f0, 0.0f0)
mask: 128×128 Ones{Bool} {16384 of 16384}
Here is a 3D example with non-cubic voxel size:
ig = ImageGeom( (512,512,128), (1,1,2), (0,0,0) )
ImageGeom{3, NTuple{3,Int64}, FillArrays.Trues{3, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}}}
dims::NTuple{3,Int64} (512, 512, 128)
deltas::NTuple{3,Int64} (1, 1, 2)
offsets::NTuple{3,Float32} (0.0f0, 0.0f0, 0.0f0)
mask: 512×512×128 Ones{Bool} {33554432 of 33554432}
To avoid remembering the order of the arguments, named keyword pairs are also supported:
ig = ImageGeom( dims=(512,512,128), deltas=(1,1,2), offsets=(0,0,0) )
ImageGeom{3, NTuple{3,Int64}, FillArrays.Trues{3, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}}}
dims::NTuple{3,Int64} (512, 512, 128)
deltas::NTuple{3,Int64} (1, 1, 2)
offsets::NTuple{3,Float32} (0.0f0, 0.0f0, 0.0f0)
mask: 512×512×128 Ones{Bool} {33554432 of 33554432}
The pixel dimensions deltas
can (and should!) be values with units.
Here is an example for a video (2D+time) with 12 frames per second:
ig = ImageGeom( dims=(640,480,1000), deltas=(1mm,1mm,(1//12)s) )
ImageGeom{3, Tuple{Unitful.Quantity{Int64, 𝐋, Unitful.FreeUnits{(mm,), 𝐋, nothing}}, Unitful.Quantity{Int64, 𝐋, Unitful.FreeUnits{(mm,), 𝐋, nothing}}, Unitful.Quantity{Rational{Int64}, 𝐓, Unitful.FreeUnits{(s,), 𝐓, nothing}}}, FillArrays.Trues{3, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}}}
dims::NTuple{3,Int64} (640, 480, 1000)
deltas::Tuple{Unitful.Quantity{Int64, 𝐋, Unitful.FreeUnits{(mm,), 𝐋, nothing}}, Unitful.Quantity{Int64, 𝐋, Unitful.FreeUnits{(mm,), 𝐋, nothing}}, Unitful.Quantity{Rational{Int64}, 𝐓, Unitful.FreeUnits{(s,), 𝐓, nothing}}} (1 mm, 1 mm, 1//12 s)
offsets::NTuple{3,Float32} (0.0f0, 0.0f0, 0.0f0)
mask: 640×480×1000 Ones{Bool} {307200000 of 307200000}
An ImageGeom object has quite a few methods; axes
and axis
are especially useful:
ig = ImageGeom( dims=(7,8), deltas=(3,2), offsets=(0,0.5) )
axis(ig, 2)
or an axis of length n
with spacing Δ
(possibly with units) and (always unitless but possibly non-integer) offset
the axis is a subtype of AbstractRange
of the form ( (0:n-1) .- ((n - 1)/2 + offset) ) * Δ
These axes are useful for plotting:
ig = ImageGeom( dims=(10,8), deltas=(1mm,1mm), offsets=(0.5,0.5) )
ImageGeom{2, NTuple{2,Unitful.Quantity{Int64, 𝐋, Unitful.FreeUnits{(mm,), 𝐋, nothing}}}, FillArrays.Trues{2, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}}}
dims::NTuple{2,Int64} (10, 8)
deltas::NTuple{2,Unitful.Quantity{Int64, 𝐋, Unitful.FreeUnits{(mm,), 𝐋, nothing}}} (1 mm, 1 mm)
offsets::NTuple{2,Float32} (0.5f0, 0.5f0)
mask: 10×8 Ones{Bool} {80 of 80}
_ticks(x, off) = [x[1]; # hopefully helpful tick marks
iseven(length(x)) && iszero(off) ?
oneunit(eltype(x)) * [-0.5,0.5] : zero(eltype(x)); x[end]]
showgrid = (ig) -> begin # x,y grid locations of pixel centers
x = axis(ig, 1)
y = axis(ig, 2)
(xg, yg) = grids(ig)
scatter(xg, yg; label="", xlabel="x", ylabel="y",
xlims = extrema(x) .+ (ig.deltas[1] * 0.5) .* (-1,1),
xticks = _ticks(x, ig.offsets[1]),
ylims = extrema(y) .+ (ig.deltas[2] * 0.5) .* (-1,1),
yticks = _ticks(y, ig.offsets[2]),
widen = true, aspect_ratio = 1, title = "offsets $(ig.offsets)")
Axes labels can have units
Offsets (unitless translation of grid)
The default offsets
are zeros, corresponding to symmetric sampling around origin:
ig = ImageGeom( dims=(12,10), deltas=(1mm,1mm) )
p = showgrid(ig)
That default for offsets
is natural for tomography when considering finite pixel size:
square = (x,y,Δ,p) -> plot!(p, label="", color=:black,
x .+ Δ[1] * ([0,1,1,0,0] .- 0.5),
y .+ Δ[2] * ([0,0,1,1,0] .- 0.5),
square2 = (x,y) -> square(x, y, ig.deltas, p)
In that default geometry, the center (0,0)
of the image is at a corner of the middle 4 pixels (for even image sizes). That default is typical for tomographic imaging (e.g., CT, PET, SPECT). One must be careful when using operations like imrotate
or fft
Odd dimensions
If an image axis has an odd dimension, then each middle pixel along that axis is centered at 0, for the default offset=0
igo = ImageGeom( dims=(7,6) )
po = showgrid(igo)
square2 = (x,y) -> square(x, y, igo.deltas, po)
There is a natural connection between ImageGeom
and AxisArrays
. Note the automatic labeling of units (when relevant) on all axes by MIRTjim.jim.
ig = ImageGeom( dims=(60,48), deltas=(1.5mm,1mm) )
za = AxisArray( ImageGeoms.ellipse(ig) * 10/mm ; x=axis(ig,1), y=axis(ig,2) )
jim(za, "AxisArray example")
Often we have a target grid in mind but want coarser sampling for debugging. The downsample
method is useful for this.
ig = ImageGeom( dims = (512,512), deltas = (500mm,500mm) ./ 512 )
ig_down = downsample(ig, 4)
ImageGeom{2, NTuple{2,Unitful.Quantity{Float64, 𝐋, Unitful.FreeUnits{(mm,), 𝐋, nothing}}}, FillArrays.Trues{2, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}}}
dims::NTuple{2,Int64} (128, 128)
deltas::NTuple{2,Unitful.Quantity{Float64, 𝐋, Unitful.FreeUnits{(mm,), 𝐋, nothing}}} (3.90625 mm, 3.90625 mm)
offsets::NTuple{2,Float32} (0.0f0, 0.0f0)
mask: 128×128 Ones{Bool} {16384 of 16384}
Other times we want to avoid an "inverse crime" by using finer sampling to simulate data; use oversample
for this.
ig_over = oversample(ig, (2,2))
ImageGeom{2, NTuple{2,Unitful.Quantity{Float64, 𝐋, Unitful.FreeUnits{(mm,), 𝐋, nothing}}}, FillArrays.Trues{2, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}}}
dims::NTuple{2,Int64} (1024, 1024)
deltas::NTuple{2,Unitful.Quantity{Float64, 𝐋, Unitful.FreeUnits{(mm,), 𝐋, nothing}}} (0.48828125 mm, 0.48828125 mm)
offsets::NTuple{2,Float32} (0.0f0, 0.0f0)
mask: 1024×1024 Ones{Bool} {1048576 of 1048576}
Frequency domain axes
For related packages like ImagePhantoms
, there are also axisf
and axesf
methods that return the frequency axes associated with an FFT-based approximation to a Fourier transform, where $Δ_f Δ_X = 1/N.$
ig = ImageGeom( dims=(4,5), deltas=(1mm,1mm) )
((-0.5:0.25:0.25) mm^-1, (-0.4:0.2:0.4) mm^-1)
axisf(ig, 1)
(-0.5:0.25:0.25) mm^-1
axisf(ig, 2)
(-0.4:0.2:0.4) mm^-1
This page was generated with the following version of Julia:
using InteractiveUtils: versioninfo
io = IOBuffer(); versioninfo(io); split(String(take!(io)), '\n')
12-element Vector{SubString{String}}:
"Julia Version 1.10.3"
"Commit 0b4590a5507 (2024-04-30 10:59 UTC)"
"Build Info:"
" Official release"
"Platform Info:"
" OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)"
" CPU: 4 × AMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor"
" WORD_SIZE: 64"
" LIBM: libopenlibm"
" LLVM: libLLVM-15.0.7 (ORCJIT, znver3)"
"Threads: 1 default, 0 interactive, 1 GC (on 4 virtual cores)"
And with the following package versions
import Pkg; Pkg.status()
Status `~/work/ImageGeoms.jl/ImageGeoms.jl/docs/Project.toml`
[39de3d68] AxisArrays v0.4.7
[e30172f5] Documenter v1.4.1
[9ee76f2b] ImageGeoms v0.11.1 `~/work/ImageGeoms.jl/ImageGeoms.jl`
[98b081ad] Literate v2.18.0
[170b2178] MIRTjim v0.25.0
[6fe1bfb0] OffsetArrays v1.14.0
[91a5bcdd] Plots v1.40.4
[1986cc42] Unitful v1.20.0
[b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils
This page was generated using Literate.jl.